Registration questions#
How do I recover password?How do I change Login?
How do I change Race?
How do I rename my City?
What does "Remember me" mean?
How do I register on the Forum?
How much time characters and accounts of players are kept in the game if disuse? What is Riot?
Can I leave for vacation?
Traffic usage by the Game
Interface questions #
Google Chrome Browser — How do I switch the keyboard layout?How do I switch to the full screen mode?
Game questions#
"Renegade" or — What the red colour nickname of a player on the Kingdom Map means?Why do some Workers leave buildings?
Why don't I receive new quests?
How long the messages are kept?
Why don't I have messages?
How can I see if a player online?
How do I add friends to the Contact List?
Where my resources gone?
Where my army gone?
Subscription and the Black Gems#
What is the difference between the Subscription and Premium?What do I do if I have a purse with WMU but I need WMZ?
I have paid for the Black Gemsbut I don't see them on server.
I increased the speed of science research for the Black Gems but for some reason the speed didn't actually increase
Login Problems and similar#
I cannot go out to the Kingdom.
How do I increase the Flesh Local Store?
How do I empty cache and delete cookies?
How do I make a screenshot and send it to developers in case a mistake is found?
Game Saving
If you entered a server window, you choose a server and cannot enter. Part1.
If you entered a server window, you choose a server and cannot enter. Part2.
Connection Diagnostics